Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Love your hair uncle!!

I think it is the red hair that bonds them, whatever it is Carter sure likes his uncle jake!! Love those kisses!!


We made the trip to see Santa! Took the boys to the prescott mall and they got to sit with Santa and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. Gage was scared Carter I think was just kinda annoyed and Brayden was a man on a mission. He wanted to get down so bad, he posed for the picture and waited his turn when Santa said what would you like Santa to bring you this year he replied,"I want Buzz Lightyear." I have never heard him speak so fast and clear then he jumped down and was off. Well maybe next year the real Santa will be as exiting as the pictures and figurines.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The whole bunch, and the first good snow!!

Brayden had so much fun flaying in the snow making snowmen... Gage on the other hand wasnt so thrilled in the beginning he kept asking to go inside. Then justin went and got the top of the boys turtle sandbox and they used that as a sled. He thought that was fun. Apparently there better be some thrill to make the cold worth while for little Gagey bug!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Little baby... my last baby is growing up so fast:( Carter has 4 teeth workin on 2 more crawl like a maniac on a mission and sits... sniff sniff

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gotta Love Him

For all of you who don't know who this is... its my brother Jacob. He is a swell guy a great Dad and a great brother. I am so proud of him, he is in the Army and he will deploy early of next year. He will be leaving behind a wife and 2 babies to serve our country. I don't have a funny or clever blog, I just wanted to say I love him and am very proud of the man he has become!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Cousinly Love

This is a picture of Amber's and my newest editions... I was just wondering why my sisters never make b.f.f.s for my boys.. sheesh!
Brayden has Emma and Haleigh... Gage, nobody and Carter has Lily... poor guys. Now I wonder who to feel worse for, Travis who is almost 8 who is left with a bunch of toddlers to play with or my boys. Maybe that's why God gave me all boys, he knew that my sisters were not producing sufficient playmates for my oldest, and then my middle child and now Carter... Oh who knows!! They sure are cute huh!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The clean up blues...

So this week my task has been to clean my back patio... sounds easy huh?? Well this past spring my husband wanted to get the boys a sand box, sounded like a great idea. My husband came back with blue sand. Not only did it make a huge mess but it would stain the boys skin and they looked like smirfs. Now I have to clean up all the sand that inevitably all ended up outside the box and it is now all mixed in with our rock. Sheesh I am hoping that the winter weather will magically take my blues away;)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Life stinks sometimes

Well where to start.... I am the proud mother of three adorable boys my oldest, Brayden is 3, Gage is 1 and a half, and Carter is 5 months. I met my husband in Flagstaff which is where I live now. My husbands name is Justin he is a great man.... I kinda love him;). I stay at home with my children and I was thinking about taking some online classes next semester to be a nurse. I am currently struggling with potty training my 3 year old... yeah 3. He does ok at home but not when we leave. Tonight when I was at my sisters house I was going to put a diaper on him but my sister said not to worry about it if he has an accident we can clean it up, I run a daycare it wont be the first time. Well he went into Emma's closet and pooed on the floor!!!!! I sometimes just wanna throw in the towel and hope he figures it out himself, but I will have a kindergartner in pull-ups!! Yeah and this in my oldest and first to potty train I have 2 more to go, eeek I am hoping that he is just difficult and the next 2 will be swell and do it themselves. RIGHT!